
Carbon Tracer

Carbon Tracer - News Blog

Carbon Tracer News – January 9, 2019

New year: new services: new look!

Carbon Tracer Release 3 is now live along with the new API service routines intended for use by those who may be interested in direct access to the data used by the Carbon Tracer itself.

We are just over a month behind plan, having decided to avoid making these releases prior to the festive period. The app front-ends should catch up with the update once these have cleared the App Stores.

There’s lots of information for programmers about the API on the Apiary online service: https://wpdcarbonapi.docs.apiary.io/. Please refer to the Terms of Use and Quick Start User Guides which you can find via the new online FAQ: (https://carbontracer.nationalgrid.co.uk/faq/how-do-i-use-the-carbon-api).

Carbon Tracer Release 3 includes a number of new features. A new top level tab called “Carbon Intensity” displays a colourised map of all the BSPs supported in the Carbon Tracer. The map offers a number of options, including the carbon intensity display, and you can look forwards and backwards in this mode using the time and date field to follow how the carbon intensity changes through the day. It is also possible to examine the “installed capacities” and look at the BSPs by “type” (urban, rural, mixed, industrial) using the display filters.

On the original Energy Mix display we have added more information about the electricity supply when you select a particular location, this gives more details for the main renewable forms of generation (wind and solar).

A further app update is expected shortly to improve the forecasting. This will be described in a new news blog entry.